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Thursday, March 2, 2017

What is difference between today's and todays?

Today actually means this day.When we want to say what we plan to do this day we put it like-
I want all my friends to be present in today’s party.
Using alternatively ,as contracted form, today’s have other connotations like-
Today’s is my birthday.(today is).
Today’s been chosen for the event.(has).
“Todays”is not any word of formal english.It can ,however, be used on informal occasions for suggesting the meaning of plural of today.
Today= this day
Todays=these days
For examples:
My todays are far better than what i have suffered in the past.
We can not keep ourselves away too long from todays technology.
In spoken language these statements usually sound right.
Tariq Ahmad Malik
Answered @Quora platefarm

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