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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Is it a correct sentence"i am not going for the class,i am staying at home"?

The phrase “Go for” is used to convey, in an informal way ,what you like,choose,or opt to do especially in the cases where you compete for something.
“I am not going for the class”. This sentence could be from the teacher’s view point.He could be teaching somewhere. “the class”,means the class and the course he teaches.Here we can’t use ‘a class’,because because it fails to connote the information properly.
When we use “the class”,our listener happens to be one who knows which class we mean and the speaker is very familiar to the listeners in this situation.For example “Our english teacher will not take the class today”.Here everybody will understand it means ‘english class’.
The definite article “the”,can ,however,be replaced by no other words other than possesive pronouns(my,our,your,his,her,their).
The tone of the sentences suggest that the speaker has ,before hand,chalked out the programme for the day.

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