Wake up my son !
Wake up ,my son,remove the curtains and throw open the windows. See ,the winds have now passed by,and it is calm once again.
Don't panic,my son,it is only a few house-tops that lie scattered on the ground.Only a half of dozen trees of this compound are uprooted.
Today, my son,you have every reason to believe that winds do not descrimnate.They always run their marathon ,no matter what comes in their ways.
Today,my son,the uprooted trees met this fate only because they had tried to impede the speed of the mighty winds.
My son,just imagine while stretching their mighty limbs ,winds set to their chorus.While they go,they keep their lips busy chanting the songs of discretion and freedom.They keep their drums beating and abuzz the environs with their timely uproar.
My son,they go and toss the water shells up and down,and sell them the dream of flying to infinity.
To their tone,my son,the ships in the ocean dance,and the boats in the river glide.The blossoms bid their darling scent to board the flight with the gusts ,and reach the far off lands which one could only imagine of.
Know,my son,despite heavy load of clouds upon shoulders,the winds keep galloping and enjoying their journey.They never stop to see where their destination lie.
So,my dear son,Wake up and live your dreams .Follow them with the steel will of winds .let hard work and preservence be your companions in this sweet journey.