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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Techniques and Tools Of School Based Assessment


Tools and Techniques of Assessment

(School Based Assessment)

By : Tariq Ahmad Malik             

Tariq Ahmad Malik

                       Master, HS Hardu Chanam



Introduction: In this lecture we will be dealing with the main techniques and tools of assessment .Next we will turn to subsidiary assessment techniques. Finally we will try to examine which tools are  the most relevant to the given techniques for achieving better results

Main Techniques of assessment

·       Self Assessment : It is the assessment of the child by himself. We allow him to know his abilities, weaknesses, areas of interest, and level of progress. The child provides the feedback to the teacher by himself.

·       Peer Assessment: In this assessment two classmates are encouraged to discuss with each other about their strengths and weaknesses. They provide feedback to each other.

·       Group Assessment : The children are allowed to work on some project and share their responsibility as per their capacities. They learn from one another ,guide one another, provide feedback to one another, and enhance their levels of learning


Subsidiary assessment Techniques:

1.    Class test/Examination


Ø Diagnostic assessment: Before starting the new course the teacher assess the previous knowledge, learning, capabilities, weaknesses etc. and makes the diagnose of his class so as to work out which method of teaching he should go with.

Ø Prognostic assessment: After knowing the learning levels, and the aptitude of the children the teacher formulates what pedagogy suits best for them in the future course of action.

Ø Formative Assessment: The assessment made by the teacher during every day teaching-learning process in order to receive feedback and modify the teaching pedagogy accordingly. It is process oriented. It is simply assessment for learning.

Ø Summative Assessment: The assessment made by the end of the course to judge the performance of the students. It passes value judgment and is expressed in grades and scores. Thus Summative assessment is purely Product oriented.

2.    Observation:   The teacher observes the students throughout the school hours .He observes their activities in the classroom as well as outsides the classroom, in the play field, morning assembly etc. He observes their attitudes, aptitudes, behaviors etc. observation could be planned, structured, participant in nature, or it can be unplanned, artificial, and non-participant in nature.

3.    Self-Reporting: we provide the students opportunities to express their feeling with regards to various issues related to them. The children do easily express their feelings, interests, learning levels, weaknesses etc. For this item the teacher either comes with surveys or frames questionnaires or organizes the interviews.

Ø Survey: the teacher frames many question about the issues related to the students, and seeks on spot responses from them

Ø Questionaire: The teachers frames questions and seeks written responses from students

Ø Interviews: The teacher does also plan interviews to know the learning levels of the students. He may have structured interview where in the questions are already framed, or he may ask questions out of his own choice.

4.    Anecdotal Records: Short account of some episode in which a child showed some particular behavior e.g.: courage, fear, wit and wisdom etc. shall find a special place in the recordings of the teacher. The child must be encouraged those positive traits, and provided feedback for negative traits.

5.    Debates/Oral Presentations: These help us to know about the communication skills and performing art expertise of the children. It gives us the insight of their expertise at arranging, analyzing, and synthesizing the ideas regarding an event.

6.    Project/Group work: Sometimes we frame groups of the children and assign them some group activity. The teacher can observe the children displaying many positive attributes e.g. leadership qualities, skill acquiring, working as a team, solving problems together etc.

7.    Assignments/Homework: Assignments and homework help the students work out different aspects of their learning.They develop the traits like remembering, comprehension,   applicability, analyses ,evaluation and creation .The teacher can get to know the learning capacities of his children quite easily after using this valuable technique.


 Assessment Tools

In order to know whether or not the students are showing progress in their learning of various competencies .The teacher may use some handy tools which will give him an instant overview of his students’ capabilities. Some of these tools are:

1. Checklists: A checklist is a very simple tool with a teacher to assess the progress of his students. The teacher frames some questions about the desired competencies and asks the students to fill the checklist on the spot.





           Checklist Exemplar





Can you read the text easily?



Have you understood the content?



Can you write answers to all the questions?



Can you write the summary of the lesson?



Can you discuss the lesson before the class?



How should the teacher act in the class?



2.Rating scale: We sometimes use 5-point rating scale to assess the progress of our students. In this tool we assign every competency a specific value and express the students’ progress accordingly.

E.g.:(1= Poor,2= weak,3=good,4=very good,5= Excellent).

                    Rating Scale Exemplar

Rate your competencies as per the rating Scale





What do you think about your reading?



How do you rate your comprehension?



How are you at applying your knowledge?



How good you are in games?



How are you at helping the needy?



3. Rubrics: We use rubrics to indicate with clarity the achievement criteria across all components of students’ learning pursuits.


Rubrics Exemplar




Very Good


I am very slow at ready the content.

I manage to read all the content with my efforts.

I do read all content without much effort.


I understand very little of the content.

I understand the concepts after reading many times.

I do easily understand and analyse ever concept.


I am very confused about grammar

I don’t have too much problem with grammar.

I am well versed with grammar.


Conclusion:  After having learnt school based assessment minutely as an assessment for learning, we are now all set to implement the concept at school level. We hope it will usher a new dawn in our teaching-learning process.


URDU SBA EXEMPLAR by Tariq Ahmad Malik


Class 5th Urdu Self-Assessment Exemplar and the Rubric

جماعت  پنجم کے بچّوں کےلئے مثالی مواد ذاتی تشخیص ِہم مرتبہ تشخیص اور درجہ بندی

سکول پر مبنّی تشخیص


طارق احمد ملک

مدرّس:طارق احمد ملک (ماسٹر گورنمنٹ ہائی سکول ہردو چنم

Ph:7006121241.  Email: taraiq@gmail.com.

Blog: taraiq.blogspot.com  (whispering Souls)

YouTube Channel :Extra Efforts


جماعت : پنجم                       مضمون : اردو                   موضوع : گفتگو کے آداب            

گفتگو کے آداب


ذاتی تشخیص

طلباء خود اپنی تشخیص کریں گے۔ کیا انہوں نے مکالمہ سُنا؟

                   کیا وہ اسے سمجھ پائے؟  کیا وہ  اسے لکھ پاتے ہیں؟   

آلہ تشخیص

طلباء آڈیو  یا استاد کو سننے کے بعد مکالمہ کے بارے میں بتاتے ہیں اور کچھ جملے کاپی پر لکھ پاتے ہیں

آموزشی ماحصل













ذاتی تشخیص

Class 5th Urdu Self Assessment Exemplar and Rubric

طالبِ علم کا نام :۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔                                          تاریخ:    ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

مرحلہ سوم

مرحلہ دوم

مرحلہ اول


آدابِ گفتگو سےمکمل طور واقف ہوں

آدابِ گفتگو میں سے چند باتیں معلوم ہیں

آدابِ گفتگو میں سے ایک بات معلوم ہے

گفتگو کے آداب کو سمجھنا

گفتگو کے دوران تمام بُری باتوں سے پرہیز کرتاہوں

چند ایک بُری باتوں کو جانتا ہوں اور  اُنہیں گفتگو میں استعمال نہیں کرتا ہوں

گفتگو  میں ایک  بُری بات مجھے معلوم ہے کہ چغل خوری گناہ ہے

گفتگو میں بُری باتوں سے پرہیز کرنا

تمام جملے لکھ پاتا ہوں

بیشتر جملے لکھ پاتا ہوں

ایک دو جملے لکھ پاتا ہوں

گفتگو میں استعمال ہوئے جملوں کا لکھنا



( 1،5،9)



چونکہ اردو ایک زبان ہے ۔لہذا  بچّوں کو زبان دانی کے   بیشتر اصول پڑھائی کے دوران

 سمجھائے جائیں۔استاد کے ذریعے سبق کی قراَت  سےبچّوں میں اس کا صحیح استعمال  معمول بن سکتا ہے  

منطقی جواز




ہم مرتبہ تشخیص

طالب ِ علم کا نام : ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔(انٹروویو لینے والا)


طالب علم کا نام:۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔(انٹروویودینے والا)

Class 5th Urdu Peer Assessment Exemplar and Rubric



گفتگو کے آداب


بنیادی اخلاقیات


ہم مرتبہ تشخیص

آلہ تشخیص

انٹر وویو

دو ہم جماعت بچّے ایک دوسرے کا انٹروویو کریں گے اور اس میں التجا، شکریہ،اور معذرت جیسے الفاظ کا استعمال کریں گے


طلباء اس انٹروویو سے   موازنہ کرنے کا گُر سیکھیں گے۔ان میں سوالات پوچھنے،پُراعتماد ہونے،اور مثبت رویہ اختیار کرنے کی صلاحیت پیداہوتی ہے۔وہ بنیادی اخلاقیات سے بھی باخبر ہوجائیں گے۔

آموزشی ماحصل

Class 5th Urdu Peer Assessment Exemplar and Rubric

طالبِ علم کا نام : ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ (انٹروویو لینے والا)

طالبِ علم کا نام : ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔(انٹروویو  دینے والا)


مرحلہ  سوم

مرحلہ دوم

مرحلہ اول



بنیادی اخلاقیات کو جانتا ہے اور ہمیشہ ہی ان کا مظاہرہ کرتاہے

بنیادی اخلاقیات کو جانتا ہے مگر کبھی کبھی ان  کو اپناتا ہے

 بنیادی اخلاقیات کو جانتا ہے

بنیادی اخلاقیات کو جاننا اور ان کا استعمال

لب و لہجہ میں پُختگی اور   پُراعتماد ہوکر بولتا ہے

لب ولہجہ  کمزور ہی سہی مگر بولتے وقت پُر اعتماد دکھائی دیتا ہے

جواب دیتے وقت لب و لہجہ  اور اعتماد میں کمی کا مظاہرہ کرتا ہے

اعتماد کی سطح

بولتے وقت قواعد کا خاص خیال رکھتا ہے

اردو قواعد پر  تھوڑا عبور آچکا ہے

بولتے وقت اردو قواعد پر بالکل عبور نہیں ہے

قواعد کی تفہیم


چونکہ اردو ایک زبان ہے ۔لہذا  بچّوں کو زبان دانی کے   بیشتر اصول پڑھائی کے دوران سمجھائے جائیں۔استاد کے ذریعے سبق کی قراَت  سےبچّوں میں اس کا صحیح استعمال  معمول بن سکتا ہے  

منطقی جواز


اساتذہ کرام : مجھے امید ہے کہ اس  مختصر مشق کے بعد آپ کو اپنے کلاس میں  مطلوب مثالی نمونہ  بنانے کا بخوبی اندازہ ہوچکا ہوگا۔اسی نمونہ کو عملی جامہ پہنانے کےلئے اب ہم سب کو اپنی کوششیں کرنی ہونگی۔

مذید جانکاری کےلئے آپ مجھے کال کرسکتے ہیں یا ای میل کرسکتے ہیں۔

Ph: 7006121241          Email:taraiq@gmail.com
