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Friday, April 1, 2011

A strange meeting

By:Tariq ahmad malik

A Strange meeting’
Hello friends; I am Tariq, your host, for the next fifteen minutes on a
strange journey. ’Well’, In the still of this moon-lit evening, I have had the pleasure of recording the views of the world’s leading writers and thinkers for our college magazine. To cash in on this occasion, I have chosen a striking topic. It is none other than all times attractive creature-‘woman’.
“In the beginning”, said a Persian poet,” Allah took a rose, a lily, a dove, a serpent, a little honey, a Dead-Sea apple, and a handful of clay. When he looked at the amalgam, it was a woman”.
To begin with, my very first question goes to Mr Nietzche. ‘Sir’- ‘would you please describe woman in your own version’.
Nietzche: God created woman, and boredom did indeed cease from that moment; but many other things ceased as well. Woman was God’s second mistake’.
Tariq: ‘Oh! What a tough stand. It is too confusing to see a woman through the eyes of a man. Between the two beholders, one sees vivacity in her and the other frailty. Let’s know what James Stephen thinks about women’.
James Stephen: ‘women are wiser than men, because they know less and understand more’.
Tariq: ‘Frailty, thy name is woman’. It is what Shakespeare has to say. Women have every right to denounce this claim. But, Mr Plutarch claims that his view about women is above controversy. Mr Plutarch, may we have the pleasure of knowing it.
Plutarch: Yes, my view reads, “when candles are out, all women are fair’’.
Tariq: O! no-
Plutarch: O! yes-
Tariq: Truth is in itself an evidence. Mr O. Henry is looking curious to add something. Lets know how he adds his head-load of twigs to the fire.
O.Henry: “I wish to disclose a secret this time, but don’t pass on these remarks to my wife.The secret is, if men knew how women pass the time when they are alone, they would never marry”.
Tariq: Oh ! no .
O.Henry: Oh! yes.
Tariq: Thomas Fuller’s heart is unmoved, even at seeing a gracious lady walking with a majestic gait. The man in him never stirs. Why is it so Mr Fuller.
Give woman thy whole heart, and she will break it.

Tariq:What do you say to it, Mr Prestwich.
Prestwich: Nothing-but, thanks for quoting my couplet to me.
Tariq:Mr Prestwich ,I am your fan ,that is why I quoted you .Anyway, we have in between us a great personality who has lately been sandwitched between the affirmation and negation of women .He is none other than Mr Ceruantes Mr Ceruantes, please expose us to the tastes of this sandwitch.
Ceruantes: Between a woman’s yes and no, there is not room for a pin to go.
Tariq :Stolen looks would be the source of joy for Thomas Morre, when he was young. But now he has matured to the reality and holds a revised stand. Yes, Mr Morre Has women still the same fascination for you?
Thomas Morre: My old books were women’s looks
And folly was all they taught me.
Tariq: What is beautiful and what is not only the beholder knows. But…what Mr Samuel Johnson knows about women is only known to him. ‘Yes’, Mr Johnson, please have your say about it.
Samuel Johnson: I am very fond of the company of ladies. I like their beauty. I like their delicacy .I like their vivacity ,and I like their silence.
Tariq: Wow! me too .Anyway my article is stuffed fully. It has been nice meeting you. Thanks for joining me.

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