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Monday, July 31, 2017

Poem by Ishfaq Baba, and its analysis

Poet: Ishfaq Baba
Analysis by: Tariq Ahmad Malik


Lonely journey for long wait.
Dazzing tube light and my long stare.

Jerking and clinking the scary horn
The fear of spotless destination and my indomitable travel.

My isolated gasping over a lonely bench
But her calm voice of appreciation and care is worthy the thousand loves.

Words no more define you for me
Feelings no more justify my passion for you

I'm growing with you to live the best
Haven't this God's mercy to me.
By Ishfaq Baba

By: Tariq Ahmad Malik

The poet visualises "wait" as a vast desert which he travels all alone. Being aloof in the wilderness of the desert fills his mind with the clouds of fear,  and he sees frightful horns of some black monister looming before his eyes . These horns make continuous jerks and produce haunting noises.

The poet, determined to go across the desert of wait, finds his destination clueless. He finds late a bench lying as lonely as the poet himself, and sits on it  for a while . Here he realises that love invariably means to toil hard for winning the heart of the companion. He realises that his companion certainly deserves much more than these hardships brone by the poet. He believes that some calm voice . Is hovering over  and appreciating him. His inner voice bespeaks saying "his companions is worthy the thousand loves". All this helps the poet  enjoy the journey in the hope that it will be rewarded when he reaches the destination.

The pattern of the poem demands that the poem be read  line by line. The poem touches the centuries old 'subject' but the poet has tried to give it a novel treatment. The poem has, definitely, its organic unity intact. The diction is simple and poetic. The reader extracts pleasure in the first instance and wisdom towards the end.

Complements for the poet
Tariq Ahmad Tariq

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017

Poem"Memories IX" by wani Nazir and its analysis


I remember!
That blithe moment
When fluidity of night dropped in the bay of your orbs,
Comingling with the mercurial salinity there,
And those red roses of dreams flowered
On the parched soil of one of its margins,
On sly;

I remember!
When hazy muzzy moonbeams
Kissed the colourful petals of those rosy dreams,
Making them ooze out beads of sweat
With their coruscunt chilly sheen;

I remember!
When all the waves in that bay
Danced to the tunes of the fall and rise
of your sable eyelids,
And every dream, turning turbulent, lay so heavy
On the feeble bosom of the night;

I remember!
When at the end of this drama whole
The pain surfaced bubbling on all the petals,
And entered into the eternal wedlock
With my fallible being.

Copyright Wani Nazir

Analysis by Tariq Ahmad Malik

Our poet of the day might be thinking that his poetry is finding virtually no takers.

I suppose we, the poetry lovers of the valley who give vent to our feelings in our native language, find it difficult to analyse english poetry using oriental measures.

While analysing kashmiri or urdu poetry we start with meter. We prefer poetry set to a particular meter.

Next,  we look for how lucidly the poet has used the figurative language. We surprise our readers by helping him Visualise the connotations underling our content. For doing this we use the simplest possible diction.

We, the poets of kashmiri language want that our reader should enjoy reading us. We target his heart using  metaphors, similes, symbols, personifications, pun, etc that our reader already knows. We decline to lend him stress on his intellect.

Now reading this poem, to telk the truth,  was a painful experience for me. The theme is ambigues;  Connotations hard to make, and words alien to the readers eye.

If i am asked what i have understood the poem is about, i may put put my findings as follows...

The poet seems to be recollecting some happy moment when he had felt that the night, out of her fluidity, had gifted his beloved some drops of salty water to suffice for her tears. He has the belief that the bewitching eyes of hers have every reason to bloom rosy dreams in the otherwise dry soil of his heart. He does feel that his heart is now delicate enough to hold the petals of his dream intact.

The poet remembers how faint beams of moon keep kissing the bosom of the petals of his dream and make them ooze out dew drops as their cold shinng sweat.

The eyes of the beloved appear as a tumultious bay where the waves find momantum,  owing to the blinking of the dark black eye lids. The poet experiences the changing course of dreams during the dead of the night.

The poet, ultimately, remembers how petals, ultimately, lost their colour and met the decay the way all human being meet.

Thus the poet ends the poem with a sad tone.
The poem may find many interpretations, but for me it is "what the eye met and the heart felt"
Tariq Ahmad Malik
Word of appreciation for
Raffiabad Adbimarkaz member

by Tariq Ahmad Tariq

It has been a nice experience to see many of our critics trying to decode a poem that was seeming woven in multiple threads. It gave a tough time to our friends to reach the message of the poem. The poetic devices were not easy to figure out and the summary statement for the poem was really a challage, for, the imagery that was surfacing on the nerves was quite deceiving.
I suppose the poem was demanding some indepth philosophical bent in the reader which we usually are not giving too much weightage to.
The poet deserves the compliments, for, his imiginative insight made us sway in the swarms of the emotions for hours together.
I am happy that because of this poem we were able to have a rainbow gathering around us.  We were never sure that we have good poets in English; so was our conception about the good readership of english literature. Thanks to the oppertunity we created yesterday in presenting a seemingly a budding poet from kashmir's saffron town. We could have never found the reviews about english literature,  had we not given it a chance. Thank God we have now a good bench strenght for atleast 3 language on this page. We expect that the members of this page will invariably help us stay together for the sake of language and literature.

Sincerely yours
Tariq Ahmad Tariq

Thursday, July 27, 2017

ڈاکٹر شوکت شفا شیدا سنز غزل تہ امیوک تجزیہ

تجزیہ نگار

طارق احمد طارق

بہرام پورہ رفیع آباد بارہمولہ

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غزلہ ہندس لہجس منزچھ فلسفہ تہ وعظ خوانی ہنٔز نہج درآنٹھ گژھان۔
شاعر چھ کتابن منز  "شہاب ؤسی پینوک"  آرزو تھاوان۔ممکن چھ زِ یہ آسہ صحافین، تواریخ دانن،. تہ ادیبن کانہہ ژینہ ون ز تمہ کیاز چھ ظلمچ تصویر. ہو بہو کندہ کرنس کتراوان۔تہ پنئن خیال آمی تھاونس منز عآفیت محسوس کران۔
"Speak; for your Lips are not sealed
You upright body is still your own"
دویمہ شعر پیٹھ چھ شاعر
مخاطبس محتاط روزنک مشورہ دوان تہ ایتھ کنہ پانے گوڈنکِس وطیرس جواز فراہم کران
شاعرن چھ یہ غزلِ مسلسل کِس فارمس منز پورہ غزل لیچھمژ. شاعر چھ کہنہ مشق. تہِ کیازِ امی چھ شعری صنعژٔ یسلہ پآٹھی ورتاوس لآگتھ پنئن دبآمٔت جزبات بازر ترآومتی. ظلم و جبرک بازر گرم ووچھت چھ شاعرن کمال فنکاری ہآوتھ "علامژ" تہ استعار تھٔرمٔت.
منحوسی ہنز علامت.... راتہ موغل
نہہ گھٹین ہند احساس.
معصومن جونٹھ دیتھ ننہ واجنی جانور... آگر پچھئنی
بٹھیس پیٹھ بہ ہن والین ہاوسن ہند گرید فرٔنی
حیحچی پوژِ لتہ مونڈ کرتھ لوکن ہندی بتھین اپزی نقاب تھاونی
پتو لاگن أچھن ہنز آبہ روبجہ اسمانن ہند بر مژرنس منز ناکام ثابت سپدنی.
امہ تمام علامژ چھ کمی تاں قومچی سُہ مرثی رقم کراں یس تاحال گیوؤ نے چھنہ آمژ.
شاعرن چھ تفسیر لیکھنہ بجایہ اجمالس کآم ہیتھ پنہ نس فنس منز پننہ ید طولیٰ آسنک ثبوت دیوتمت.
ڪلہم پآٹھی چھ اکھ جان غزل لیکھنہ آمژ. شاعرس میانہ طرفہ واریاہ داد تہ مبارک.
طارق احمد طارق
رفیع آباد ادبی مرکز

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

فاروق اطہر صآبنی غزل تہ امیوک تجزیہ

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گوڈ نیتھ کٔرتن شاعر ایژھ خوبصورت غزل لیکھنس پیٹھ میانہ طرفہ مبارک قبول.
غزلہ ہنز بحر چھ.
فاعلاتن، مفاعلن، فعلن
سآنی واریاہ شاعر چھہ اتھ بحر منز لیکھنس کھوژان.
گلاب ردیف بنآوتھ چھ معنین ہندی وسیع امکانات بدِ کڈنکی وسیلہ ژھارنہ آمتی.
قافیہ ردیف رلتھ چھ نوینہ استعارات تٔھرنچی زبر کوشش کرنہ آمژ.
شالہ مآری گولاب
یمن وچھنہ بابت طرفاتو پیٹھ لولہ مئتی یوان چھ. امن چھ روحن تسکین تہ أچھن تراوت میلان.
مزآری گولاب.
کانہہ ٹوٹھ اچانک رحمتہ حق سپدنس پیٹھ چھ تمہ سنز قبر پیٹھ گولاب تھٔر لاگنہ یوان. جائے وقوع امن گولابن ہند چھنہ لولہ گراین تلوتم تلتھ ہیکان. بلکہ چھ داغِ فراقس کرآلی تلان.
شآعری منز استعمال سپدن وآلی الفاظ چھنہ لغوی معنیسdenotation لآری تھاون آسان بلکہ چھ تمہ احسآسی تہ ادراکی معنیconnotation بابت استعمال سپدان. یوہے وجہ چھ زِ اشعارن ہنز شرح چھ ہر کانہہ پننہ ادراک چہ وسعت مطابق کران روزان.
شاعری چھنہ جملن ہنزی ترتیبک ناو، بلکہ چھ لفظن ہنز مینہ کاری، فصاحت، تہ بلاغت ستی تعبیر.
شعر ۲. چشمن سیکھ ڈلئن.
پریشآنی تہ پشیمآنی ستی آرام راون تہ نیندر ناش گژھن. شعری کردارس چھ یہ نوبت امی سببہ وآژمژ تہ کیازِ تمس چھ کیاہ تام وشفہ گومت یمی ستی محبوب سنزِ نازبرداری منز چھ ژیر لوگمت. گولاب پآنی پانے ہارٔنی چھ امہ آیہ جان امیجری پآدٔ کران.
یہ تاویل تہ چھ روا زِعاشقن چھ گولاب تھر محبوب سند بابتھ روومژ تاکہ محبوب واتہ اتھ وچھنہ مگر محبوب سندی بار بار تغو فلن راو رآو تمس صبر تہ تمی دیوت گلاب لنجہ بے وایہ پآٹھی دٔنن.
شعر۳. یہ شعر چھ سیٹھاہ خوبصورت. شعری کردار چھ زمانہ کین فتنن وآقف. زمانہ چھ لٔٹس لژھل گنڈنس منز ماہر. زمانس احتجاج کرن چھ أمی آیہ روا تہ کیاز زمانہ چھ محبوب سنزِ گلی کنڈین سآتی تشبیہ دوان. شاعر چھ صاف کران زِ تتھ وتہ چھ گولابی یآتی ووتھرتھ.
شعر۴. تہ شعر ۵. دونوے اشعار چھ بے حد خوبصورت اتھین شارن ہند معنی ژارن  چھنہ کانہہ مشکل عمل. دلہ منز چھ بے وایہ نیران. واہ. واہ. مالہ منز گولاب تارنک تجربہ چھ نِرل تہ نوینہ. عاشق چھ پریتھ قدم پھوک دی دی تُلان.
آخری شعرس منز چھم شاعر ہنا بے بس باسان.
زآری گولاب ترکیبہِ کوتاہ تہ تچھو یہ چھ مہمل باسان.
زآری چھ پونسہ، پلو، سون، تہ باقی جائیدار داوس لاگان. مگر اتھ بازرس مبز چھنہ منتقی طور گولاب داوس لگان.
کُلہم پآٹھی چھ یہ غزل واریاہ معنی سآوو تہ اتھ منز چھ امکاناتن ہند اکھ دنیا درآنٹھ گژھان. شاعرس میانہ طرفہ داد.
تہ مولانا حالی سند یہ شعر گُلہ میوٹھ.
اہلِ نظر کی آنکھ میں رہنا ہے گر عزیز
جو بے بسر ہیں، اُن سے نہ رکھ ساز باز تو۔

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Taraiq.blogspot.in: National Integration(Class 10th Speech)

Taraiq.blogspot.in: National Integration(Class 10th Speech)

National Integration(Class 10th Speech)

National Integration(Class 10th Speech)

By: Tariq Ahmad Malik

Master: GHS Dangiwacha

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 Worthy headmaster, respected teachers, dear brothers and sisters. I am Asmat from 10th A, and today on this morning assembly show, i want to deliver a short speech on the topic "National Integration".

Listeners: National Integration is the feeling of togetherness of the people of a nation while cutting across their religious or linguistic lines. Despite practising different beliefs, languages or cultures, when people of the nation place the integrity of their nation first as their pious collective cause, we call it national integration.
Listeners: In a nation where people invariably  love their motherland, we find the telling example of unity in diversity. Such nations are hard to be subdued.
Listeners: In the nation like ours we find that the solidiers on the border are tied in different religious, linguistic, social and cultural belief system, but they guard the borders with equal loyality giving the enemies sleepless nights. This rainbow gathering of solidiers are always ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the nation.
Listeners: All the people of the nation must show mutual respect and tolerance towards each other. In order to promote communal harmony, they ought to celebrate the holidays of every religion and exchange gifts on these auspecious occasions of celeberation. This will go a long way in making the nation strong.
Listeners: Students must be taught the nation's history indepth. They must be told how much price the nation has paid to get the nation freed from the imperialists. They must be told the stories of the heros of the freedom struggle. Students must be taught to respect the national symbols like those of national anthem, national flag, national emblem and the the law of their motherland. Love for the soverignity of the nation must spring from the heart of every student.
Listeners: National integration is the need of the hour. We must inculcate the habit of sharing and caring among the people of different creeds. Five fingers of the hand when join, they help the boxing champions knock down their rivals. So, listeners, lets work together for tasting the welcome fruits of time proven wisdom 'Union is Strength', and build our nation on modern lines.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Eve Teasing on Public Places(Class 10th Speech)

By: Tariq Ahmad Malik
Master GHS Dangiwacha.

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Worthy guest of honour, respected teachers, dear brothers and sisters. I am Shafia, a class 10th student from Govt. Girls High School Dangiwacha. I want to speak something on the given topic "Eve Teasing On Public Places".
Listeners: I am one of the millions of daughters of Mother Eve. Like millions of other daughters of Eve,  i also opened my eyes in a male dominated society. I, as well as my sisters are teased at every public place for unknown reasons. Every were we find lustful eyes awaiting us.
Listeners: we, the girls of this nation are harrassed everywhere; be it the streets, the bus stands, or the public parks, we always find unwanted and immoral comments being hurled upon us everywhere. Wolf whistling and cat calling has now turned into a routine for these wayward Romeos.
Listeners: woman folk is often  blamed that they provoke males by wearing scanty clothes. Does it give the men licence to harass the women. In our male dominated society even the women wearing burka are not spared from eve teasing.
Listeners: society is needed to be corrected on ethical lines. It is the duty of the parents,  the teachers,  and the religous scholars to inculcate moral values in the youth. The youth are needed ti be motivated to respect the women folk. The girls are also needed to be empowered so that they may not fall easy victims of eve teasing.
Listeners: the need of the hour is to bring the crime of Eve Teasing under the domain of the law. Severe punishments are needed to be put in place for those who who harass the women unnecessarily.
Listeners: women should also work for making their body strong enough to resist this crime. They should take daily exercises, do jogging, learn marhal arts, and keep calling the police in time of need. Using all these possible measures, it is expected that the crime of eve teasing could be brought  to the minimum.

Role of The Youth In The Modern J&K(Class 10th Speech)

Class 10th speech

By: Tariq Ahmad Malik

Master GHS Dangiwacha

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Worthy guest of honour, respected teachers, my dear brothers and sisters, i am Bisma Shiekh from GHS Dangiwacha; and the topic of my speech is "The Role The Youth In The Modern J&K"
Listeners: The Youth are the real asset of every nation. They are the pride of the nation. They lead the nation towards unprecedented heights.
Listeners: The role of the youth in modern j&k is tremendous. Since They are invariably well educated, They know what their nation expects from them. They are well aware of the potential of human capital of j&k. They have the knowledge of the gilt-edged sectors of the state economy.Thus they have a clear vision of the modern j&k.
Listeners: The youth of this state are full of innovative ideas. They know how to bring strong opinions to the table. They are capable of bringing positive changes in the working system of the state.
Listeners: The youth of j&k have got hot blood, and when it gets stirred up they fight any force whether it be corruption, black marketing, injustice or undesired social traditions. In its youth modern j&k finds a ray of hope.
Listeners: Kashmiri youth have always proven that they can not afford to be sick of being the victim all the time. They know that it is necessary, some times, for peace lovers to lose patience if they are poked too long. In love the are invariably the shade of the Chinar but in anger the ember of the same.
Listeners: The youth of j&k know how to use the power of the fertile brains to bring positive changes in the social set up. They are determined to bring  their motherland out of all possible troubles.
Listeners: Kashmiri youth have proven that they possess the best brains. They get a sizeable share of the prestegious IAS quota every year. In sports kashmiris know how to produce Tajamul Islam and Hashim in the tender age. The youth are proving their mettle in MNC's and thus helping the state to maintain per-capita income two folds than that of the national averages.
Listeners: The need of the hour is that the youth of the state create consensus that the battle of the pride is won only when the hearts are allowed to dream of love rather than of hatred. They need to guide the oldies that Kashmir needs world class scientists, technocrats, philosophers, statesmen and the economists to make her voice audible in the world. Lets hope we will wake up to this reality.